Welcome Natalie! admin January 13, 2013 AED Training / BLOG / CPR and First Aid / CPR Certification / CPR Classes / CPR Training / Frisco TX CPR / Inspirational Stories Sweet Natalie Dear Friends, We welcomed our little daughter Natalie just before Christmas! Thank you to the few clients I had to reschedule from December to early January! I appreciate your patience in getting your CPR Certification. You Might Also Like CPR Thursday! Taking advantage of my set up time to listen to a great podcast! Win/win. Feed my soul while I set up to work! #ntxcpr #savealife #marriagematters #goodtogreatmarriage #BLS #AHA #cprsaveslives #cprsaves #learncpr #friscoCPR February 26, 2016 Instagram Image April 10, 2018 Took these cuties on a walk jenna I used to take daily when we lived here (pnw) back in 2010.11. We used to meet @flowy219 at Starbucks (i usually had hot choc with Jenna!). Nathan and Jenna looking for critters in and around the little nature preserve. Today we saw over 15 ! Several flocks of geese flew over head as we watched the ducks swim around and tried to make the frogs jump! August 9, 2018
CPR Thursday! Taking advantage of my set up time to listen to a great podcast! Win/win. Feed my soul while I set up to work! #ntxcpr #savealife #marriagematters #goodtogreatmarriage #BLS #AHA #cprsaveslives #cprsaves #learncpr #friscoCPR February 26, 2016
Took these cuties on a walk jenna I used to take daily when we lived here (pnw) back in 2010.11. We used to meet @flowy219 at Starbucks (i usually had hot choc with Jenna!). Nathan and Jenna looking for critters in and around the little nature preserve. Today we saw over 15 ! Several flocks of geese flew over head as we watched the ducks swim around and tried to make the frogs jump! August 9, 2018