AHA BLS CPR AED class Frisco 7:30PM admin December 6, 2016 BLOG You Might Also Like It’s BLS time at Comprehensive OBGYN November 4, 2017 You do realize YOU get to choose how you will react in any situation, don’t you? Take time to BREATHE deep, cleansing breaths today. Hydrate with some room temp water and add a splash of 🍋 #breathe #fearnot #standfirm #staycalm #momsofig #motherhoodrising #youvegotthis March 13, 2020 Celebrating 13 years of marriage today. June 13, 2016
You do realize YOU get to choose how you will react in any situation, don’t you? Take time to BREATHE deep, cleansing breaths today. Hydrate with some room temp water and add a splash of 🍋 #breathe #fearnot #standfirm #staycalm #momsofig #motherhoodrising #youvegotthis March 13, 2020