CPR classes resume Jan 14! admin December 27, 2016 BLOG You Might Also Like Instagram Image May 17, 2018 Tater tot casserole. July 10, 2015 Today, I celebrate my freedom because so many men gave their lives. No matter what lies ahead for this country, Everyday I can embrace and celebrate my Eternal Freedom at sacrifice of Christ. I am a child of God, Yes I am. I am chosen, not forsaken. I am who YOU say I am. #WhomTheSonSetsFreeisFreeIndeed #FaithFamilyFreedom #USA #AmericatheBeautiful July 5, 2019
Today, I celebrate my freedom because so many men gave their lives. No matter what lies ahead for this country, Everyday I can embrace and celebrate my Eternal Freedom at sacrifice of Christ. I am a child of God, Yes I am. I am chosen, not forsaken. I am who YOU say I am. #WhomTheSonSetsFreeisFreeIndeed #FaithFamilyFreedom #USA #AmericatheBeautiful July 5, 2019